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Food Allergy Testing & Medicine

One in thirteen children has a food allergy at some point in their lives, although they can emerge at any age. You could even consume the same food for years before developing an allergy. Dr. Vivian Asamoah and her staff have years of expertise working with kids and adults to diagnose their food allergies and create a personalized treatment plan that will keep each patient well and avoid life-threatening allergic reactions.

In order to identify any potential food allergies you may have and determine the best course of action for dietary modifications, our team offers allergy and immune response testing. If you believe you or your child may have a food allergy, make an appointment by contacting our Katy, TX gastroenterology office.

Most Common Food Allergies

Despite the fact that any meal containing protein may cause an allergy in certain people, only a few food groups account for 90% of all allergies:

  • Peanuts
  • Tree Nuts
  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Fish & Shellfish
  • Soy
  • Eggs

Only 20% of kids eventually overcome their allergies, the most common of which are peanuts. Children who have a peanut allergy are also susceptible to developing a tree nut allergy.

Food Allergy Symptoms

The symptoms of a food allergy often occur a short while to several hours after eating. The following are the most typical signs of a mild to moderate food allergy:

  • Itching, eczema, and hives
  • Tingly or itchy tongue or mouth
  • Your lips, face, tongue, or other parts of the body swelling (angioedema)
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort
  • Stuffy nose or congested nose
  • Wheezing or coughing
  • Unsteadiness or faintness

Remember that your allergic reaction’s degree is unpredictable. The first time, you might just experience a minor response; however, the second time, it might be more severe. Our team can assist you in preventing future issues, as food allergies are one of the most frequent causes of severe allergic reactions.

Difference Between Allergies and Sensitivities

An immediate, IgE-mediated response to food known as a food allergy can include hives, throat swelling, and even anaphylaxis (i.e., severe allergic reaction causing airway closure, low blood pressure, and even shock). The most frequent anaphylactic responses are brought on by specific foods, medicines, and insect bites.

Contrarily, food sensitivity tends to be more of a delayed response and involves both IgA and IgG-mediated responses.

How Do We Treat Food Allergies?

There may soon be a therapeutic option for peanut allergies using immunotherapy, which is currently being studied. Until then, there is just one course of action for treating a food allergy – avoiding the foods that cause it.

To discover which foods you need to avoid, Dr. Vivian Asamoah and her team can perform allergy testing. Additionally, we may prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors, so you’re ready in case of a bad response, as well as antihistamines to soothe symptoms.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment for food sensitivity and allergy testing and treatment.

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